Childhood's End
Universal (2015)
TV Series  /  Science Fiction
In Collection
Seen ItYes
IMDB   6.8
255 mins USA / English
Blu-ray    US - TV-PG
Charles Dance Karellen
Mike Vogel Ricky Stormgren
Osy Ikhile Milo Rodricks
Charlotte Nicdao Rachel
Georgina Haig Annabel Stormgren
Daisy Betts Ellie Stormgren
Ashley Zukerman Jake Greggson
Russell Kiefel Sheriff De Bont
Hayley Magnus Amy Morrel
Yael Stone Peretta Jones
Harley Durst Karellen Double
Eloise Wright Movie Patron
Lachlan Roland-Kenn Tommy
Cecilia Dewar Extra
Jason Gianginis SSG Shields
Naomi Atherton Young Mother
Gabrielle Curtain Young Mother
Michael-Anthony Taylor Janitor
Shane Holloway Immigration Officer
Zahra Newman Bridget Rodricks
Nick Hurran
Producer Kevin Blank
Michael De Luca
Matthew Graham
Akiva Goldsman
Writer Matthew Graham
Arthur C. Clarke
Cinematography Neville Kidd
Musician Charlie Clouser

Written by Arthur C. Clarke and hailed as a revolutionary work of science fiction since its publishing in 1953, Childhood’s End follows the peaceful alien invasion of Earth by the mysterious “Overlords,” whose arrival begins decades of apparent utopia under indirect alien rule, at the cost of human identity and culture.
    Seen it: Yes   81 mins    12/14/2015  1.  The Overlords
An alien presence arrives on Earth with the intention to end all suffering and guide humanity into a utopia. But when the aliens refuse to reveal their appearance, some wonder if this dream is instead a nightmare.
    Seen it: Yes   84 mins    12/15/2015  2.  The Deceivers
Now living in a golden age of peace, some humans begin to notice changes in their children that lead them to question the aliens' motivations.
    Seen it: Yes   79 mins    12/16/2015  3.  The Children
A new era begins for the entire world as the children from all nations start to display supernatural abilities, but the older generations worry about the repercussions of this development in regards to the future of humanity.
Edition Details
Series Childhood's End
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
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